came across a post shared by a young lady who got an awesome surprise after she decided to host one of her close friends to dinner.
The story of a Twitter user identified as @ThatsSoRissa is one that is surely made out of fairy tale stories, after what started as friendship blossomed into romance.
According to a post she shared, she had contacted one of her very close friends and made plans to host him for dinner, as a means of telling him 'thank you' for always being there for her whenever she needed him, and things took a surprising turn.
While the pair were having dinner, the young man identified as Joel, decided to change their status from 'friendship' to 'in a relationship' after he present a bracelet to her, asking her to be his girlfriend.
Joel and @ThatsSoRissa moved from friends to lovers after she hosted him to dinner to thank him for his acts of kindness towards her
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The excited young lady shared pictures of herself and her friend-turned-boyfriend, saying "Spoiled Joel & then he asked me to be his girlfriend w/a turtle charm bracelet"
She also shared a screenshot of the conversation they had shortly before he asked her to become his girlfriend. See below:
The conversation between the friends turned lovers
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See her tweet below:
Isn't this cute?
Is it possible for money to buy love? - on TV.
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